- 2019-06-13 16:20:00
- bjzongke 转贴
- 4044
原文名称: Enforcement Regulations of the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act (Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries No.83 of December 3 1998 with final revision under Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries No.33 of May 29 2012)
关键词: Plant Variety Protection 日本 植物品种保护 Seed 种子 知识产权 Intellectual property New plant variety Japan 植物新品种
电话: | 010-60166200 |
Email: | BJzongke@163.com |
地址: | 北京市延庆区北京世园公园种业孵化基地办公楼 |