- 2019-04-10 13:50:00
- bjzongke 转贴
- 3605
关键词: 丹麦 植物新品种 植物育种权 Denmark UPOV plant breeders’right plant variety protection
颁布日期: 19960205
摘要: A variety of cultivated plants may be protected as a plant novelty if it meets the criteria set out in article 1 of this Act. The same article sets out criteria for a breeder or any person who has acquired the rights in the variety to be entitled to obtain protection for a variety. The Minister for Agriculture may, in exceptional cases, approve the protection of a variety, which does not satisfy the condition laid down in article 1 if it is found to be in the interest of the agricultural economy. Articles 3 to 8 provide for procedures of application for entry of a variety in the Register of Plant Novelties, whereas articles 9 to 15 provide for examination of applications and examination. A plant novelty may be used for the purpose of commercial propagation with a view to selling propagating material only with the permission of the variety owner, and only under the terms and conditions specified by him, including terms and conditions concerning payment of a royalty art. These terms and conditions may only concern the commercial propagation of the plant novelty, the offers for sale and the sale of propagating material thereof, including the royalty. The terms and conditions shall be reasonable and identical for all producers (art. 19). The Minister for Agriculture shall set up a board, the Board for Plant Novelties, to administer the provisions of Chapters 2 and 3, and a board, the Terms Board for Plant Novelties, to deal with disputes concerning terms and conditions of licences.
- 丹麦植物品种保护法.pdf 2770 MD5
电话: | 010-60166200 |
Email: | BJzongke@163.com |
地址: | 北京市延庆区北京世园公园种业孵化基地办公楼 |